22 December 2016

Bread of Life

Just like all the other years I've been on this blog, 2016 is a really shitty year for me.
People might say that I 'struggle' with depression, as if I'm bad at it. But in my opinion, I think I am extremely proficient at it. (lmao its like the only thing I'm good at)(my life now is just handling things with self-deprecation and dark humour)(where is this post going? It's only the first sentence in and it's waaay too dark already)(not getting distracted might be something I need to work on)
Anyway, though I had to sit through 13 hours of pure hell sometimes, those times have really helped me in understanding myself and why things happen the way they do. Which *hopefully* transitions me out of this existential loaf of bread.

See, 2016 is like the first slice of bread that nobody likes. Or like the multigrain, high-fiber, gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, seasonal, organic, automatic, batteries-not-included type of bread. But maybe, just maybe, underneath that slice would be a really nice stack of white fluffiness. Of course the sides are still there, but hey, in life there are always sides. Whether that means you eat it, or cut it out, it really depends on what you want to get out of it. Which is why Dr Kathy™, your friendly neighborhood completely certified 17-year-old doctor is here to advise you on your daily dietary needs. 

What I Recommend You Eat
- Motivation
- Compassion
- The people you love
- Happiness and a whole lot of it. 

You should, however, 

Cut Out All The 
- bullshit
It's good for your health. Trust me, I'm a certified Doctor.™℠®©℗

But um, despite the many things I hate about this year, (including the upcoming Christmas), I love New Years. I love the fact that I'll be leaving the year behind me, good, bad or average. But especially this fuckin awful year of 2016. It's kindof like a closure, and a chance for new experiences, starting over again is great. 

2017 can fuckin come at me

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Aye fam you good